Showing posts with label ChatGPT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChatGPT. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

ChatGPT 4o New Features and Creating Art with ChatGPT | ChatGPT-4o Preview

ChatGPT 4o New Features and Creating Art with ChatGPT | Chat GPT-4o Preview

ChatGPT has published on 13 May 2024, its latest flagship model, GPT-4o, alongside new tools available for free on ChatGPT. This development aligns with the mission to advance AI technology and ensure its accessibility to everyone. Below are the new features of GPT-4o and how it enhances the experience of creating art with ChatGPT.

 ChatGPT 4o created art picture, rendered ChatGPT image.

An artistic picture was created by ChatGPT 4o, utilizing its rendering features.

Introducing Chat GPT-4o

Enhanced Capabilities

According OpenAI Chat GPT-4o is a groundbreaking model that offers GPT-4-level intelligence but is significantly faster. It excels in text, voice, and vision, making it a versatile tool for various applications. Here are some highlights:

  • Image Understanding: GPT-4o can interpret and discuss images more accurately. For instance, users can photograph a menu in a foreign language, and GPT-4o will translate it, explain the dishes' history, and provide recommendations.
  • Real-Time Voice and Video: Upcoming improvements will enable more natural real-time voice conversations and video interactions with ChatGPT. Imagine showing a live sports game and having ChatGPT explain the rules in real-time.

Multilingual Support

GPT-4o has enhanced language capabilities, supporting over 50 languages. This makes it easier for users worldwide to interact with ChatGPT in their preferred language.

New Features for Free Users

ChatGPT is making advanced AI tools more accessible by rolling out several new features for ChatGPT Free users:

  • Experience GPT-4 level intelligence
  • Get responses from both the model and the web
  • Analyze data and create charts seamlessly
  • Chat about photos you take and receive detailed insights
  • Upload files for assistance with summarizing, writing, or analyzing content
  • Discover and use specialized GPTs in the GPT Store
  • Build a more personalized experience with Memory

Free users will have a message limit with GPT-4o, after which ChatGPT will switch to GPT-3.5 to continue the conversation.

Streamlining Workflow with the New Desktop App

macOS Desktop App

ChatGPT has launched a new desktop app for macOS, enhancing integration with computer tasks. Key features include:

  • Instant Access: Use a simple keyboard shortcut (Option + Space) to quickly ask questions.
  • Screenshot Discussions: Take and discuss screenshots directly within the app.
  • Voice Conversations: Initiate voice conversations by tapping the headphone icon in the app.

The macOS app is available for Plus users, with broader availability planned soon. A Windows version will follow later this year.

Creating Art with ChatGPT 4o

GPT-4o's enhanced capabilities open up exciting possibilities for creating art:

  • Visual Storytelling: Use GPT-4o to generate and refine story ideas, visual concepts, and detailed descriptions for art projects.
  • Image Interpretation: Upload sketches or images to ChatGPT and receive feedback, suggestions, and detailed analyses to improve the work.
  • Data-Driven Art: Leverage GPT-4o's data analysis tools to create data-driven artworks, transforming complex data sets into visual masterpieces.
  • Multilingual Creativity: Create art inspired by different cultures and languages, using GPT-4o's multilingual support to explore and incorporate diverse artistic influences.

A Fresh Look and Feel

ChatGPT has redesigned its interface to be more user-friendly and conversational. The new home screen and message layout enhance the overall user experience, making it more intuitive and engaging.


With GPT-4o and the new tools available on ChatGPT, both free and paid users can experience unprecedented AI capabilities. Whether creating art, analyzing data, or having a more intelligent conversation, GPT-4o offers something valuable. Users are encouraged to explore these features by signing up or logging in at

Is this real art? Have you tried using AI with ChatGPT or created art with it? Please leave a comment below.